Even though interest rates have gone up significantly during the past few months, there are still opportunities for you to find a home at a great price. The high interest rate can be discouraging for some people, but as long as you know how to navigate the market, you can still put yourself in a position to be successful.
Put More Money Down
The easiest way to combat a high interest rate is to reduce the amount of money you borrow. That means that you might need to put more money down. Of course, this means that you might need longer to save up a down payment, but there are other benefits you might notice as well. For example, if you are willing to put 20 percent down or more, you no longer have to purchase private mortgage insurance, which can help you save some additional money.
Increase Your Credit Score
You may be able to secure a lower interest rate if your credit score is higher. Remember that the lender will give you a lower interest rate if you are of less risk to them. If you increase your credit score, you improve your financial health, which means that the lender may offer you a lower interest rate. You can increase your credit score by correcting mistakes on your credit report, paying down your existing debt, and reducing your credit utilization ratio.
Consider an Adjustable-Rate Mortgage
You may even want to consider going with an adjustable-rate mortgage, usually shortened to ARM. This means that the interest rate on your loan will change with the market. If you feel like the interest rates are going to go down, this may be a way to save money; however, keep in mind that you may end up owing more money if the interest rates go up.
Refinance Your Home Loan Down The Road
If you are not willing to take the risk with an ARM, keep in mind that you can refinance your home loan later if interest rates go down. You might need to pay closing expenses again, but it could save you tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the loan if you decide to refinance.
About the Author:
Babak Moghaddam graduated from University of Southern California in 1985. He entered the mortgage industry as a compliance auditor at the Bank of New York in 1986 and completed his masters in Business Administration two years later. After seventeen years in the traditional mortgage banking world Babak finally transformed this vision into his own practice in 2002 when he formed Charter Pacific Lending Corp, a mortgage company that has provided over $900 Million in residential real estate loans throughout Southern California. Babak and his team do things a little differently than other mortgage providers. They work as financial advisors, because they have come to realize that a mortgage is a very powerful financial tool. And just like any other financial tool, it should be managed as part of the overall financial management plan to reach every home owner’s long and short-term financial goals much faster. You can contact Babak for a free consultation and strategy session at (800) 322-1217 X103.