When applying for financing, lenders want to make sure the client is going to pay back the balance of the loan. Therefore, they will look into pre-existing debt including credit card debt, student loans, car payments, and ...
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When applying for financing, lenders want to make sure the client is going to pay back the balance of the loan. Therefore, they will look into pre-existing debt including credit card debt, student loans, car payments, and ...
Continue Reading →While a mortgage is a necessity for many people who have the dream of owning a home, it is also a form of debt. Most people do not like owing money to someone ...
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There is a long list of things that people need to do when they are looking to buy a home; however, it is also important for people to know what to avoid as this process unfolds. There ...
Continue Reading →By now, it should be apparent that this COVID-19 (Corona-virus) pandemic is going to be here for several months. It is already causing the market to plummet and is disrupting jobs all over the country. Many people who work ...
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When someone is looking to purchase a house, they need to think about how long they want their mortgage to last. While a bank can structure a mortgage to last for any number of years, the ...
Continue Reading →When someone purchases their first home, this is a significant step. There are a number of issues that people need to think about because purchasing a home is typically someone’s most significant investment.
With this ...
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There are many options when it comes to taking out a loan on a new home. One of the options that people might have heard about is called owner financing. In general, the property owner takes the place ...
Continue Reading →When you are buying a new home, it is an exciting process. You have spent months searching and have found the home you want to purchase. You are ready to move into the home of your dreams.
Unfortunately, you ...
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Crowdfunding came into prominence with the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act that President Obama signed into law during 2012 and subsequent enhancements. The JOBS Act made it easier for startups to raise money and for the first time allowed ...
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As you come up to the date of your closing, there’s time to reflect on everything that led to this step. Your real estate agent, mortgage broker, title company and others all work hard to ensure a successful closing ...
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